- All
Top 100 - Cartoon and comic list.
- Aaaha!
Jokes - jokes and other
fun items.
- Backwoods
Entertainment - PG rated
entertainment from the backwoods!
- The
Barrel - self proclaimed
best humor site on the net. See for yourself!
- Blah Blah
- don't let the name fool you. A fun site!
- Big
Puns - comics, jokes,
and puns of course.
- Bur's
Webcam - go see what
Bur is doing!
- Camp
Chaos - great web cartoons
and entertainment!
- Carnivore
Syndicate - provides
a link list of some cool cartoons.
- Cartoon
Art - art by Colin Hamilton.
- CarterToons - cartoons by Jon Carter
- Coobics.com - a comic search engine!
- CoolNotions - webpage backgrounds, animations, and
- Dizzy
Dragon - more clean humor.
- Dr Draw
- has some cool comic stuff.
- Dumb
Baby - comics, cartoons,
columns, and celebrities!
- Funny
Box - a great (and funny)
place to find all types of hilarious stuff!
- Funny
Farm - a farm full of
funny stuff!
- Funny Firm
- jokes for comic and radio personalities.
- Humor
Ezines - a collection
of great humor e-zines!
- Humor
Source - a fantastic
source for humor.
- The
Humor Times - the funniest
paper on the planet!
- Idiot
File - real idiots, true
stories, and free stuff!
- Jehster's
Joke Joint - Featuring
comics, and 1000's ofcategorized jokes.
- Joking
Around - fun stuff to
do at this cool site!
- Joke
Joint - collection of
jokes and cartoons.
- JokesPlus - an extensive joke and cartoon site.
- Jokes
and Games - exactly what
it says!
- Joke of the Day (@ allworld) - jokes, cartoons, and more!
- Joke
Warehouse - tons of cartoons
and jokes!
- Laugh Riot
- list of some great web cartoons.
- Link
Butler - featuring several
funny cartoons!
- Loonie
Bin - bunch of jokes
at this funny site.
- Mapie's
Funniest Sites - funny
sites collected and displayed.
- Mazoons - Mazes and cartoons!
- Men
of Leisure - kick back
and relax.
- Mike Flanagan's Page - cartoons by Mike Flanagan.
- My
Humor - funny and clean
- News
Trolls - great news site.
- Newton's
Novelties - cleans jokes,
cartoons, games and more great stuff.
- Pun
of the Day - get your
pun of the day right here!
- Sallad's
Toonpage - a page full
of Sallad's toons!
- Seriously
Whacked! - homepage of
hilarious literary comedian Jeff Strand.
- Share
Smiles - free greetings,
humor, fun and games.
- Southern
Angel - Humor, inspiration,
and fun stuff!
- Start
Tips - humor from startips.com!
- Stoopidest.com
- collections of various
- Ted's
Funny Homepage - collection
of fun jokes and cartoons.
- Toon
Fever - Church and family
oriented cartoons!
- Toon links
- some cool toon links.
- Uncle Fuzzy's Humor Page - Humor from Uncle Fuzzy!
- The
Useful Site - useful
games, cartoons, and more.
- View
My Art - computer art
and watercolors by Ted Kuik.
- Webmaster
Frank's Page - tons 'o
stuff to do at Franks!
- Webmoments - web cams, jokes and a bunch of stuff
to do at this cool site!
- Weird
Humor - humor for the
wacky and weird.
- Whoosh
- online study of the
Xena: Warrior Princess tv show.
- Wit
World - great humorous
- Vidbook - webpage with many instructional website
- Zipadeeday - lots of fun stuff to check out!